Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I got up just before 7:30. The house was down to 67F, but I did not know how to turn the heat on. I made coffee and refilled the little jar in the fridge. I put on some CD's. I did all the exercises and drybrushed. I made an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam because my lefthand teeth still hurt. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned bathrooms, and started vacuuming the carpeted areas, but it wasn't picking up like it should. So I washed the filter and left it to dry. I used a broom on the tile floor and mopped where someone had spilled coffee.
It was almost noon when I turned on the router. Chris came home for lunch, and he figured out how to turn the heat on (by reading the small print). I watched Day 3 of a gut summit. After Chris left, I watched a movie called 1986theact. I paused it at 3 to go out and sit in the sun, reading.
I watered the irises and found that the gopher mound from yesterday (the one I stuffed hair into) was back. As I cleaned up the dirt, I could see clumps of my hair in it. Then I noticed that the other mound from yesterday was back as well. I dispersed the dirt, put the hair back in and poured castor oil mix in it.
David drove up. We talked as he loaded my empty boxes into his truck. I gave him some seeds and he promised to identify the fruit (that tastes kind of like pineapple). He told me that years ago he put propane in a gopher hole and lit it. That cleared up the problem until the next spring. Hmmm.
After he left, I finished watching the movie. Wow! So much coverup and denial! Corporations, regulators and even the DOJ. It told a history of events leading up to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, what Congress intended it to do, and what it has covertly become, plus documentation never before available to the public. All to keep people from losing faith in vaccines. I think it backfired.
I watched another documentary from Day 3 of the gut summit and took notes. Chris came from work about 6. I walked to the post office to pick up a package. I noticed that the gopher mound was back, again. Incredible! So was the other one. I refilled them both, adding coffee grounds this time. Hopefully they get the message.
I started watching a movie called ”The need to grow”. Farmable soil is disappearing at a fast rate. It made me went to dig up more of the dirt that the irises were in. Beautiful soil.
I texted with Beverly. Then I made some dandelion tea and some magnesium water. I sipped as we watched two episodes of The 4400. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

* Someone got a pic of this injured pelican in front of the office building this morning. The bird is now at a rehab center in Ogden. *

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