Sunday, February 21, 2021

Back to the usual sleep

I did not have the super sleep of the previous night, even though I did roughly the same things the night before. I barely heard the 8:30 alarm go off and then I got up. I read from the book called Water from the Well while sitting next to the Happylight. I soaked my sprouts and seeds. I changed the water that the carrot tops are sitting in. I read e-mail until time to get ready for church.

I washed up and got dressed for walking to church. But Chris said he wanted to drive. So little bit later, that's what we did. When we got there, I talked with Jenni until the service started. Then I sat with Chris for the prayer, then stood to sing the songs, two of which I did not know. After the sermon, we had another song I didn't know, in fact no one seemed to know it. I talked with Jenni and Johnnie. Johnnie handed me a bag of red fabrics pulled from her stash for me to audition with my shuttle blocks. Awww! Chris wanted to game at noon, so we left. When we got home, he got on his laptop, and I washed 5 apples for breakfast. I heard it is a good detox to eat only apples for a day or two so I wanted to try it. Five small apples was enough, but strangely not very filling. Then I read articles from e-mail and saw interviews.

The weather was nice, so I went outside to stir the manure tea and clean up gopher mounds. I poured some 'tea' in some of the holes, hoping it would be the last straw for them. The temp dropped as I worked, so I came back inside and read more.

I found one of those cloth grocery bags, but it did not have corners so I sewed some in. I cut a small hole in the center of the bottom for a tomato slip. Then I rescued a toilet paper tube, crimped the bottom, and filled it with dirt from a dead poinsettia. I pinched a sucker from my tomato plant and applied a little bit of cinnamon to the bottom. I planted it in the tube and watered it.

I called Faye who was looking for one of Dad's hearing aids in a large parking lot where they had taken a walk. We talked while she searched, but it got cold and dark so she had to take Dad home. I suggested she ask Patrick because he is good at finding little things. I read articles for awhile, then called back. Faye said Patrick suggested she look in the trash bag in her car and there it was. We both wondered how he knew. She should have asked him for lottery numbers! I talked to Dad for awhile, then to Faye again. They were eating supper, so I washed another five apples for my supper. I read about EcoATM, which has kiosks across the country. You can take your old gadgets there and the kiosk will evaluate them and offer you some amount of money. If the gadget isn't worth anything, it will offer to recycle it for you.

I listened to interviews while playing Solitaire. One was about the effects of 5G exposure on human cells. It can make a small dose of mRNA vaccine act like a large dose. Then I made my evening drink and we watched three episodes of Community. I wrote up my blog post and listened to the guided meditation from two nights before.

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