Saturday, March 13, 2021


I spent so much time trying to type notes on an interview transcript last night, that I decided to save them for their own post.

Chris got up early and went to work. I slept late and got up after 8. I made lemon solution and used the MindPlace device. I also read a book by the Happylight. I went to turn on the router and discovered that Chris had left it on from when he checked e-mail before work. I turned on my laptop and had to let the unavoidable 'upgrade' finish. I looked at Facebook to see if anyone had posted the interview from yesterday. Chris came home from work. I finished reading the letter that the vaccine expert wrote to the WHO and others explaining the dangers of vaccination during a pandemic. At the end, he recommended vaccines that induce a NK response instead of an antibody response. I sent it to Chris for his opinion.

I made breakfast. Chris told me that the letter did not fully explain the conclusions and that it should have. I thought it was too long and technical already. I checked my e-mail and deleted a lot of it.

I put on shoes and we went to Tooele, finishing the last CD of the recorded book. We shopped at Luckeys, then Melanie's, then Macey's. Finally we went to Home Depot for gardening stuff. Chris was impatient with me stopping to look here and there so he went and sat in the car. I enjoying shopping at a leisurely pace and checked out. When I got to the car, Chris loaded my purchases in the trunk. Then we went back to base.

We stopped at the post office for mail, and went home. We unpacked the groceries and put them away. I went back to taking notes. Chris cooked some mushrooms for me, cutting off the very bases so I could try growing more mushrooms. I had mushrooms and bokchoy and fish for supper. I watched videos on growing mushrooms and took notes. Then I made my evening drink and we watched three episodes of Community. I watched more mushroom videos, then posted to my blog and went to bed.

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