Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Sunshine and rain at the same time

I got up late, feeling like I had been awake all night. I brushed my teeth and went outside to read. Then I turned on the router and read e-mail. I Iistened to a video called “Agenda: Grinding America Down”. It was about how the socialists have been implementing their goals for taking down America which were developed in the 1950's. I made breakfast just as Chris came home for lunch. After eating, I put on my bathing suit and headed out. But then Faye called about a form. As we talked, I watched raindrops appear on the back patio. By the time the call was over, the rain had stopped. I laid out on the lounge. After the call, I got dressed and walked to the post office. I could see darkness coming from the east, looking to overtake the post office. I picked up my mail and ran home to avoid the storm.

I looked at the first hundred pages of Dad's health records from the rehab center. I saw they were giving Dad his supplements each day. He was becoming less mobile and responsive over time.

I went outside and clipped grass around the sidewalks. Then I came in for supper. I watched part of the AFLD's summit: One doctor showed his math for determining that 4x as many infected people died from covid in America as in other countries because early treatment and malarial drugs were discouraged or outlawed here. A pediatrician said kids don't die of covid and masking hurts them physically and psychologically.

I paused the summit to put on my bathing suit. I drove to the gym. Jenni was already in the pool. I got in and we did some water aerobics. I dove off the diving board and hurt my toe. Then the manager called time. So I got out and toweled off. I walked with Jenni to her car. Then I went home.

I heated the tea that was left over from breakfast. We watched two episodes of Warehouse 13. I posted to my blog and then read some e-mail, but shut down the router about 11 and went to bed.

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