Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The contract


I got up about 8:30 thinking it was 7:30. I quickly got dressed and ready, then walked over to Rusty's house with a cleaning contract. I was early so I followed Rusty around as he showed me what he was leaving behind. Then the housing people came to check out the place. I spoke to Kristen. We signed the contract and Rusty gave me $800. I asked the people if I had to clean the 14 year old carpet since it needed replacing and they said yes in case they decided not to replace it. Uggh.

Rusty gave me a key and I went over to the housing office with the contract, but the lady said they didn't need to see it. Rusty and his family left. I went home for supplies then back over to the house. I pulled nails out of the walls and made a list of things I didn't have. I went back to get an iron to get the wax out of the carpet, and a cooler for the food in the fridge. I worked until noon, then went home for breakfast. I told Chris about cleaning the worn carpet and he told me to see the head of Public Works. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. One trucker made a video of himself saying the ports would not allow owner/operators in to pick up cargo, and most truckers are owner/operators.

I called and made an appt with Doral at Public Works at 3. I went back to Rusty's at 2 and cleaned in the bathrooms until time to go. I drove over to E building and talked to Doral, telling him about the carpet and the contract. Then I went back to cleaning until almost 6.

I came home to eat supper and rest. I was about to make a salad when I realized it was 6:30. I jumped in the car and drove over to Jenni's house, but no one was standing around, nor did I see anyone walking. I went home to get my phone and text Jenni. She asked if we could walk at 7, so I said yes and made my salad. I also put some cherry tomatoes in a baggie for her. I cannot eat them as fast as they are ripening.

I went to Jenni's house at 7. We walked around the block. She gave me a gallon of cleaning vinegar that she didn't want anymore. I drove home. I listened to an interview, then made tea and watched two episodes of Dr. Blake with Chris. Then I listened to a tapping audio while typing up my blog. I went to bed late and did not use the headphones.

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