Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Handing off the keys


I woke up hearing Chris come back from the gym. He went straight to the shower, then got dressed. I heard him rustling around in the kitchen getting the rolls and pulled beef ready to take to work for the party. When I heard my 7:30 alarm go off, I got up and he was gone.

There was a recipe for fudge balls on the fridge. I pulled out everything on the list of ingredients to make sure we had them all. It said to use low heat and I used the lowest possible, but it was still too much. It got kind of watery. So I put in ground chia seed. It went into the fridge to cool and harden.

I made more slime, this time using a high borax/low water recipe. It was lumpy because the borax did not dissolve completely. I left it to rest. Faye called and we talked about her work schedule around Christmas. I called Kurt to see what days and times he would be in town. I got an e-mail from Mindy saying she would meet me at the swap shop after her meeting. I got dressed and went there. I looked around for awhile, then checked our mail box. It was empty and I went home.

I made breakfast. Chris came home with the beef and rolls left over from the party. I looked through my blog to see when the numb hand thing started. I read e-mail, then took my trombone and went to Saronna's house. She had a guest. When her guest left, she got out her string base and we played Christmas songs. We also chatted till her girls came home from school. Then I went home.

I listened to an interview with a vaxx patient advocate. He said most people don't know that the drug companies have no liability if vaccinated people are injured by their product. The only way they can be sued is if the patient can prove that the company knew their product was harmful and did not warn the patient of the particular adverse event that they experienced. I had read earlier that such a rule led to pharma wanting to know as little as possible about the side effects of their product.

I called William to see what his Christmas schedule was. He said he didn't have plans but he would not come to Christmas dinner in order to protect himself. He said he could talk to me on the phone. I said then he wouldn't want a present from me cause it would be contaminated, but he said a present would be ok.

I separated the fudge into balls and rolled them in coconut flour. Mindy came to my house to get the keys to the swap shop. We talked for a little bit, then I realized I was late for walking. Jenni had texted me about walking in the gym because it was a very windy day and snow was forecast. So I drove over there and we walked the upper track. I don't know how many rounds we made, but it was 10 after 5 when we quit.

I went back to reading e-mail, dreading the packing process. I took a piece of stamp fabric and made a mask. Chris told me the colonel needs his mask mended and would stop by tomorrow. I made tea and we watched the last three episodes of BBT. Chris suggested I wrap presents tonight. I got on my laptop to look up my gift list and write it down. I realized I had neglected my hours of cleaning lists so I went to previous blog posts to get them straight. Then I wrote my post for yesterday and published it. I also wrote down the events of today (for tomorrow) and downloaded all the pics from my phone. I cropped them, then got ready for bed.

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