Saturday, April 2, 2022



I got up before 7:30 to watch episode 12 of Covid Secrets plus the bonus episode. It was over 3 hours worth of content, but I discovered the player had an option to play it at 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2x. That allowed me to go through it faster. Jamie called and wants to meet tomorrow. I had breakfast made by 10 and finished eating by 11. I also dressed and made a shopping list.

Chris had gone to work and the commissary and was back just in time for us to go to Tooele at 11. We listened to the book on CD along the way. We stopped at the bank to cash a check, then went to Melanie's. Chris dropped me off and went shopping by himself. I sat with Melanie for an iridology appointment.

She took close-up pics of my eyes, both pupils and whites. Then she had me fill out an intake form while she examined the pictures and made notes, frequently referring to a book. When I was done, she explained what iridology was and my results. We had a very nice discussion and then she gave me the three things I most need to look out for.

I shopped in the store, then checked out. With points, I bought a cheese snack. I went out to the car where Chris was waiting. We shared the snack on the way home, listening to the CD.

We stopped at the post office, then went to the house to unload groceries. Chris put most of them away. I checked e-mail, and answered texts from Michelle. We agreed to meet at the gym for a workout. I went outside to disburse gopher mounds and collect the stones for Diane. Then I prepped a sauna bag and headed to the gym.

When I got to the gym, none of the ladies were there. Thinking they were just late, I went to the cardio room to use some of the machines. Still no one showed. Afterwards, I went to the car for my sauna bag. I turned on the sauna and put on a suit. I sat some and stretched a little. Finally near the end, Heather came in. We had a nice chat before the gym closed and we had to leave.

When I got home, I ate some leftover veggies for supper. I read articles and listened to some podcasts. I made tea. We watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to write to my blog, and put instructional pics on my phone.

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