Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Checking it out at night


I got up late, feeling like I hadn't slept well. I think it was the probiotic that I took around 10. Chris was gone by then, but had left the door slightly ajar. I closed the door. I plugged my laptop into the modem. It didn't work for some reason, so I used another cord and plugged my cord into that one, and voila!

I read e-mail. I took breaks to write a check to the church, set a gopher trap, and water the mound with LAB. I took the 'cheese' from the LAB and set it to drain. I separated sweet potato and yam sprouts for dispersal to those who wanted some. Gwenda contacted me on Facebook to find out about Faye.

I made and ate breakfast. I took a book and sat outside in the sun for awhile. I went back to e-mail. I put most of my sprouts in a cup to hand out. I stopped by the post office, then went to the school. I gave some sprouts to Jenni. I walked with Diane. Then Heather drove up and asked for some so I told her my car was open. Diane and I finished walking around the block. I noticed all the plants were gone from my car. Oops. I should have told her just to take a few. Oh well, there are more coming.

I went to the library to drop off stuff and got a Carol Burnett DVD. I talked to Melissa who works there and lives next to me. She wants her yard mowed. I let her know that the mower has a flat tire.

I went home to read e-mail. I checked on the worms and put back the ones trying to escape. William and Karen called to check on Faye. We had a very nice conversation.

I made a salad. Chris called, but didn't have much to say. As usual, I fished around for topics of interest. Then I listened to Mike Adams. I paused it when Michelle came over for a pad of steel wool. We talked for some time and it got dark. Then we went up the hill to see how dark the house was at night. It was dark, but maybe not as much as my bedroom here. With her phone light, we could see that the floors were still bare. Then she drove me home again.

After she left, I made tea and put in the first DVD of Carol Burnett. It was ok. I paused it at 11, to write my blog. Then I got ready for bed.

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