Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Drying greens


I got up around 7:40. After the usual brushing and swishing, I watered all the plants with a little nitrogen. I mended Chris' pants and sewed a netting bag. I sliced up grapefruit rind.

I went to feed the cats, scrub the oven, etc. Then I went to the garden. I covered the kale with the netting bag. There were tiny black bugs everywhere. And they bite! I scattered pieces of rind around my plants. I noticed a second pea plant coming up. I had brought the flower fermentation for the peonies and roses. But when I opened it up, there was mold in it. I threw most of it out near said flowers. I picked more tumbleweed for the bucket, and pulled a few weeds.

When I got home, I took another serrazime. I jotted notes for my blog. I made and ate breakfast.

I went to play with Saronna. Sebastian (the piano student) was there. We played the songs for next Sunday from the hymnal.

Afterward, I talked to Sgt King at the chapel. Then I walked with Diane. After we talked, I went home. listened to some short videos. I ate barbecue for supper. Chris came home from work. I picked up the dried dandelion and plaintain leaves and put them in separate bags.

I went to the library but they were closed early. I sent a message to my neighbor who runs it. I watered the grass in places, and some gopher holes. When the gopher came up, I smacked it with the hose. I flattened more mounds. I filled in some holes. I raked tree debris from the left side yard. Well, parts of it. When I came in, I had an answer from my neighbor. She left the library early to go to the commissary. I asked Chris if she can just leave early. I posted to my blog and made tea. We watched several episodes of The Umbrella Academy. Then I read e-mail until bedtime.

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