Friday, August 5, 2022

The ladies shopping trip


I got up at 7:45, thinking it was 8:45 and I had to be somewhere by 9. I raced around to get ready, then saw the actual time on the stove - 7:45. I took a breath, then watered all the plants at home. I put on shoes to go to the garden. Just then the gopher guy showed up. I greeted him and went to the garden. While I was there, Mrs. Pace's kids walked by. When I finished, one of the boys said his mom needed to talk to me. But I had to leave.

I went to the house we cleaned in the last two days. The man drove up and handed me money. I handed him the receipt, thinking we should both sign it, but he didn't seem to care about that. He started loading garage stuff in his truck. Jamie arrived and I gave her $150. The inspection team came and asked if they could go through the house. He said yes, so we all went in through the garage. They looked all over, and noted a spot in the closet and a spot on the vertical blinds. I got a wet cloth and tried to wipe both, but with little efficacy. But they didn't seem to care. Anyway, paperwork was signed and he and I left.

I went home. I put out the garbage and the recycling. Then I called Terri and told her I was ready to go. Then I changed my shoes and filled a water bottle and made a shopping list. I ate a snack bar. I put my purse and cooler outside. I found some fencing and cut a piece off to make a tomato cage. I stopped when she drove up and got in her car.

We headed to Tooele, chatting all the way. We stopped at Luckeys where she realized she didn't have her wallet, and then Melanie's. She enjoyed looking around. One of the clerks told us about having $1500 stolen from her purse. I clutched mine a little tighter for the rest of the day.

We went to Macey's, and then to the dollar store. Then we went to Wal-Mart, and finally the thrift store. There, I saw a Brother 8200, which is exactly what I have. It did not have the embroidery module with it. The stitches were good, but the touchscreen was so dark, that you could only see very faint lines under good lighting, but not enough to read. It also came with a lot of feet, which didn't fit. I figured only someone who already had such a machine could use it. So for $25 I bought it. The young man carried it out to Terri's car.

On the way home, we stopped at the cheese shop, but it was closed. As always. Terri had forgotten her wallet, so her husband took her ID up to the guards station. So when we got to base, they allowed her to go through. She dropped me off at my house and helped me carry my purchases in. I had gotten a lot of extra supplies in case of supply chain issues. I gave her some lettuce from my tower garden.

I put most of the food away. I started listening to The Highwire. Terri texted that her husband wanted to come see our mower. So I opened the garage door. I had told her that he could use our mower on his lawn if he mowed mine too. When he came, he was pleased with it. I gave him our gas can. Since the mower was almost out of gas, he offered to fill it with the money she owed me for groceries.

They left. I went back to The Highwire and eating out of the fridge. I got texts asking for the large metal cabinet in the swap shop. I replied that it was to replace the bookcase, so not for 'sale'. At 7 I went to the post office to get our mail and lock up the swap shop. Tonja was there and showed me how the black cabinet was not ideal for use as a book case, but they tried to fix it up. We talked more in the parking lot.

I went home. Michelle texted me that she had news to share and could we go for a walk? So she came over, but the weather got stormy so we just sat and talked. I showed her a pic of Chris in his costume for this gaming weekend. Then we chatted for hours in the livingroom. We prayed for Kincie. Finally she could see that I was tired and she went home.

I worked on my blog and on hydrating. It was quarter after 11 when I finished. Then I went to bed.

* My blooming pineapple plant *

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