Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Hearing the stories


I got up after 8, never having heard my alarms. I got ready for the day, then watered the outdoor plants at home, and some sparse grass. I took some LAB to the garden. The irrigation system seemed to be fine. I watered with a hose anyway, then mixed the LAB into jugs of water and watered my plants, the peonies, roses and somebody's strawberries.

When I got home, I cleaned out a section of the front porch where tree seeds had collected. I don't know why, but it was full of mosquitoes. No moisture though. I used my electric racket to great effect. It was a target-rich environment.

I finished listening to Mary and Polly, then fertilized the outdoor plants and watered the indoor ones. I deleted bunches of e-mail. I tried plugging in the small laptop that Chris had bought for our trip to China, then realized it would not connect to the internet by wire, only by wifi, which wasn't turned on yet.

I made breakfast and ate it. At 1pm, I went to the apartment for the inspection. It passed easily. I saw a package on Kavon's doorstep. It had been there for at least a week. I went by the post office to find out if he had moved. No, and they thought it was strange as well.

I made hanging sleeves and pinned them to the backs of two quilts. Then I drove to Saronna's house. I asked her two daughters to sew the sleeves on while she and I played. The older girl finished, but the younger one was taking tiny stitches and hadn't gotten far. So I left it there.

I went to Tonja's house to drop off reciepts and her plant pot. She gave me a basil plant. We sat and talked for a bit. Then at 4, I drove to Tim's house for a quote. A policeman came for a statement, so I went in the house and looked around at the kitchen and bathrooms and window blinds. When I came out, the guy was finishing up. I quoted him 6 or 700 dollars. Revonna was packing her car across the street so I walked over to see how she was doing. I got to hear everything she'd been through and I wondered why she wasn't quitting. That went on for some time.

Michelle drove up and joined the conversation. She had been at my house looking to deliver a gallon of goat milk. We went to my house and I put the milk in the fridge. Chris came home from work. She told him about Housing not being in sync with Protocol. She helped me move the little planter stand to the back porch.

After she left, I went to Saronna's house to get my quilt. I stayed to talk for a bit. I promised Randy some poke berries and Saronna gave me some fermented soybeans. Finally I went home. I brought in the plant that Tonja gave me. And rolled up my windows because big fat drops were coming down.

Chris had made quinoa. I added some leftover fish and mushrooms. After that, I made and ate a salad. I worked on my blog on the desk top. I made tea and we watched SG1. He went to bed and I stayed up to catch up on e-mail.

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