Michele did NOT wake us up early to open presents. Instead I found her on her computer. I snuck up on her and yelled "Merry Christmas!". It was so funny, but I think it took 10 Christmases off her life. I insisted we sing some carols before we opened gifts. While Michele and I were singing, Chris secretly skyped his parents and aimed the camera at us. We had a nice visit with them and Marie. Becca skyped us, too. Then we opened our gifts, mostly DVD's and chocolate. I got Michele a Korean children's book. I thought it might be easy reading, like "Dick and Jane make Rice Cakes" or something. We spent the rest of the day watching DVD's, reading and playing on our computers. I do have a pic of our Chrsitmas tree, sad as it is.
It is hard to believe that Christmas is here. In the states, Christmas starts so early that I have to actively avoid it until the first week of December so that I won't be sick of it by the 25th. But here there are few reminders. Yes, there are lights on post. But I haven't been shopping in malls stuffed with decorations and surfeited with Christmas music. No radio or TV reminders since we watch mostly DVD's. I haven't had my Christmas fix yet.
Chris has sentenced Michele to one hour of calculus a day since she is not doing well at all in calculus. Being the resident calculus expert, I share in that sentence. It is a good thing I love math.
An hour of calculus a day over the Christmas holiday? Isn't that considered cruel and unusual punishment?
Only if you don't like math.
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