Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I had plans for Wednesday which included leaving the apartment early to maybe volunteer at the thrift shop for a few hours before hitting the ACS building to beg to keep our chairs (they say we have had them for 90 days and they want them back) and to report items broken in shipment. Well, what with doing a little of this and a little of that, I didn't leave until 2:30. One thing I did was to take all the quilting fabric out of the closet, organize it in stacks by color and put it back. In the process I noticed that two fabrics, each on the top of its stack, went really well together, and so I felt a quilt coming on. But I had to get to post to run errands, so it had to wait.
First I went to ACS, where they told me to send a letter of exception regarding the chairs. (As my friend Tina says "What are they going to do? Break in your house and take the chairs back?") They also gave me the e-mail address for the shipping company and said we'd have to deal with them separately.
Then I went to the thrift shop because I expected Tina to be there and I had some DVD's for her. But she wasn't so I talked to a few people, bought some stuff and walked over to Tina's house. Tina was decorating for Christmas. All sorts of decorations everywhere! She asked me if I'd decorated yet, but I said we didn't bring much because we didn't expect to have room. Actually, I have two stockings hung. One came from the stocking exchange we had last week, and the other I made to go with that one because I decorate in pairs.
Tina told me that she'd tried the EFT website and was able to reduce her tennis elbow pain to almost nothing. She was excited about it and wanted to view my EFT DVD's. I was excited for her.
Then Chris called to say he was leaving the office for Commisskeys. On Wednesdays they have free horsd'oevres. Tina needed to go by the commissary anyway, so she dropped me off. Chris and I had a nice time there, drinking tea, eating snacks (the ham was good, the broccoli was sad), and talking about the presidential election and if there is a chance Obama is not eligible to be president and will the Supreme Court hear the case, etc. Michele declined to join us saying she had math homework. Well, I love math as much as anyone, but free food is good, too.
That evening, we watched a little TV. Chris hooked up the TV in my sewing room and I started the quilt that was coming on earlier. I couldn't wait to finish it, but finally had to go to bed. Pam and I are going to Dongdaemun with Hannah in the morning.
I know I should be shopping, wrapping, packing and shipping for Christmas, but I am just not in the mood. Long lines at the post office aren't helping. I don't know who died and left me in charge of it all. So, Christmas may be late this year.


Linda said...

Fern. If women didn't "do" Christmas, it wouldn't get done. So that's how it ends up on our plate. Can't wait to see what quilt you're working on. Love the rug.
I was glad to find your blog. I had misplaced the address. Seems you are doing okay. Glad you're blogging so I can stay in touch. I just started a blog at I'm going to include Guild happenings, so stop by and visit with me.

Linda said...

Didn't realize that my comment wouldn't tell you who I am. I'm Linda James from the Sandhills Quilters Guild. Thought there might be a Linda at one of your Guilds there.