Saturday, April 25, 2009


I thought we were sleeping in this morning, but the alarm went off at 7:30. It turns out that Chris and Michele had plans to visit some palaces with Sheryl but didn't tell me 'cause they figured that I didn't want to go. Well, I did, but I had to go by the Chosun to see the new silk shipment before the good pieces sold out. So they dropped me off at the library and went to meet Cheryl. I read a book, waiting for the Chosun to open at 10. Then I walked over, saw the silk, bought some silk, talked to people I know who volunteer there. Then I walked over to the thrift shop next door. I got a scarf and an air popper (those are expensive here). Then I waited outside for Suyapa and talked to Annette. Su came by to drop off a PVC corner she had borrowed to match, but no luck. So then I walked back to the apartment. Later Chris and Michele came back. Chris made supper and then we all went to see "Monsters vs. Aliens". It is a kids movie, but Chris and Michele really liked it. It was ok. Afterwards, I started laundry and tested out the popcorn popper. It works! Maybe later I will listen to the CD I bought yesterday at Seoul Arts Center. Today was cool and rainy. I am looking forward to warmer weather tomorrow for the Lotus Lantern Fastival.
***Here are two more pics from Thailand***

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

You just swam in that water? Lucky you!