Sunday, June 14, 2009

Church picnic

Chris offered to cook for the church picnic, so he dropped us off at church and went to the picnic spot (same place as Michele's birthday party) to fire up the grill and cook the hamburgers, hotdogs and steaks. Church usually runs from 10 to 11, but ended a little early today because the pastor scheduled to give the sermon was ill at the last minute and had to pass it off to the other pastor. We caught a ride with Nancy over to the picnic area after the service. I wish I had brought my camera to show the tables full of food, both American and Korean. Chris' hamburgers were outstanding and I am glad to report that we brought a whole tray of them home.
After the picnic, we stopped by the commissary for milk and juice because it is closed every Monday. Then Arnold Swartzenegger came back (just like he said he would). Yesterday we saw him in Running Man and Terminator 2. Today we watched Red Heat and Total Recall. I finally broke away to my sewing room where I put together another quilt top. I also cut strips in anticipation of a stripping demo next Monday.

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