Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thrift store

This morning I stayed up after Chris left for work. I cleaned house and it made me feel so much better. I had hoped to fit in a trip to Dongdaemun before going to the thrift shop, but just couldn't. The thrift shop pricing area was so full of stuff one could hardly walk. I worked on the books, but the shelves were so full I had to select books to be thrown away. Throwing books away bothers me, but there is no where else to take them. The library does not want them, nor do the Korean charities. So books over 20 years old or in bad shape just have to go. I also put out videos and DVDs. Those areas are fairly full also. More were donated as I put them on the shelf. By the time I left at 3, there were plenty still waiting to be shelved. I don't usually stay so late, but MaryAnn did, and everyone else left, so I stayed too. Plus she shared her lunch with me. While there I bought a wooden plate, (doesn't it go nicely with the table?) 4 Correlle bowls, a sewing book, and a vacuum cleaner attachement. They also had a wide shallow bowl in my crystal pattern. It is marked $7. I am still thinking about it.
Around 4 I walked back to the apartment. Michele was home from her night with a friend. I scrubbed my shower floor, and vacuumed places I didn't get to this morning. Then I cleaned the vac filter. So dusty. The dust bunnies here are so big we name them.

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

Yes, nice match! I like them both!