Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Block of the Month

I spent most of the day in my sewing room cleaning up. I had so much fabric added lately that it wouldn't fit in the closet and was all around the room. So I cleaned out a closet in the computer room and moved non-quilting fabric to it to make more room for the quilting weight cottons. It worked, though I am not sure I can shut the door. Also, I made my block-of the month as an example to show the new people.
Chris made the most wonderful hamburgers for supper and bought organic buns, just for me. After supper I watch a movie called Paperclips while binding a quilt. It is a good movie and factual. It's about a school's paperclip project to show how much 6 million is, the number of Jews killed by Hitler. They raise more than 6 million, but I don't want to spoil the ending.
Last night I was researching Vit K2 which is found in foie gras. That lead me to gravage, which is force feeding geese to make their livers large and fatty. How cruel! Tonight I was reading about telomerase activators. They lengthen telomeres, adding years to your life, or enabling the spread of cancer.

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