Friday, October 30, 2009

My other day off

Friday is my other day off to stay home and sew. Well, after finishing yesterdays blocks and making a set of 6 inch blocks today, I was at a good stopping point. I had a goal of 4 blocks a day and I have met that. I cleaned the stove, which was good since Chris came home just after lunch with leftovers from the office. When he went back, I went with him and he dropped me off at the Px. I wanted a glass storage container for pickled eggs. I don't trust plastic for that. Well, all I could find was a 2 quart measuring cup with a plastic lid. So I got it. I also got a pack of 220v lightbulbs. Then I caught the bus back to my gate. Chris came home early so we moved the cutting table in my sewing room to make room for the stacking cabinets I bought Wednesday. The vegetable man made his daily rounds and I went down to get some cherry tomatoes, bananas and persimmons. I took some of the recyclables down with me to drop them off. For supper I had office leftovers. Chris wasn't hungry and Michele wasn't home. I did a little straightening in my sewing room and ordered some supplements online. When Michele got home she told us there was a Halloween party on the third floor. I wanted to go but didn't have a costume.

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