Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

When I got up, I looked to see if Michele had found her 'eggs'. She had already eaten the golden nugget, and had found more than half of the chocolate balls. I put on the blue dress I made for church. Unfortunately I didn't think to make a matching belt so I wore one of Michele's scarves. The church was full of lilies and I should have taken a picture, but I didn't. Here is the after-church spread. The chocolate bird's nests don't show, but I hear they were very good. There was an egg hunt after church. Although no age limit was specified, I figured I wasn't invited. After church we stopped at the AnC center for a 6-foot board to build more shelving in my sewing room. It just gets harder to fit all the fabric in. (I don't see how we can stay here another year. There won't be any living space left.)
We also stopped at the commissary for groceries. We were back in time to put them away and get to the theatre to see "How to train your dragon". It was a cute movie.
I worked on my e-mail then until supper was ready. After supper we watched some DVD's and I gave Michele some hints for finding more chocolate balls. There is only one left. Then it hit me: wouldn't it be funny if I re-hid the ones she found while she is sleeping? What a mean mother I am! Bwahahahahaha!

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