Friday, June 11, 2010

The Skype that wasn't.

I didn't get up early because his sandwich was already made. However, he forgot to take it. I got up around nine, and sat down to e-mail and waited for my sister to Skype me. Around 10, I tried to call her, with no success. So I fixed breakfast and went back to the computer. That is when I noticed a message from her dated a little after 9, that she was trying to call me. Where was that message earlier? Then I took a shower, and checked out the fabric in the bag from yesterday. Because it was for the group, I only took 3 inch strips of a few things to make charm squares. It was after 12 when I went to post, to pick up Cathy for the group lunch. We went over to the DHL, and when everyone had shown up, we proceeded to the Navy Club. It was loud, so we could only talk to the people closest to us. I got the grilled Mahi Mahi. It came with two sides, so I got two kimchis. That was the healthiest thing on the menu, and I knew it wouldn't be microwaved. After lunch, I took a pic, but my batteries died before the image registered. I took Cathy to the Arts and Crafts center. We looked through the bags of fabric and she took lots. Then Poncie came, and we loaded her top on the longarm. Her backing was too small, so she had to add some more. When we did get it properly loaded, it was not at all flat. She said her m-i-l made it for her and her husband. She had to take a big tuck in the border. We were able to get some designs in around the corners and big triangles (it is a lone star design). I am anxious to see how to longarm such a design. It is not something to be done in rows. We stopped about 6 and I went home. As we ate supper, we watched "A Walk in the Clouds" starring Keanu Reeves. The movie was a birthday present from my Mom to Michele. Then Chris put on "Buckaroo Banzai". I worked a nanogram, but made some mistakes, which threw the picture off. Then I went back to the computer to check any last e-mails. One was about PSTec, an auditory and tactile way of breaking the bonds of negative emotions.
There is a free sample on the website. Now let's see if I can come up with a picture. It makes my blog more interesting.

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