Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trying to get a handle on the situation

I still didn't have to make a sandwich so I stayed in bed 'till after 8. Then had the usual breakfast, shower, etc. Chris let me know that the extraordinarily expensive skillet that I'd bought online, had broken. So I e-mailed the company to tell them I wanted a refund and why I was dissatisfied. I also sent them a pic of my broken skillet. At 10 I was dressed, but realized that my top needed darts to fix a bad case of gaposis. That took longer than I thought it would. I did make it to the thrift shop by 11, but not earlier like I had planned. There was supposed to be a meeting at 11, but everyone was working, so I did, too. About 11:15 Ella called us together, said the usual things like be nice to customers but watch them in case they steal something, etc. Then we broke for lunch. Not wanting to put in the time for deviled eggs, I had opened a can of bean salad and put it in a container which I brought along. We all set out what we brought, and about half was stuff I could justify eating. As we ate, I met a new volunteer and talked her into trying our quilt club. When lunch was over, we went back to work. Lots of books and movies to shelve. Around 1 Maryann came in and told me that the Chosun was selling all the silk pieces that they used for decorating. It was only open to volunteers at that point, so I gave her $50 and asked her to buy all of it for me. Turns out there was $70 of silk, but I didn't care. They might not get any in next year. At three I called Julia to see if she wanted to do anything, but she was glued to her AC. So I worked until 4, then paid for a book I'd found with beautiful pictures of a valley in China. I grabbed my silk and headed home. I arrived at the same time as Chris, Cecily and Al, who had all gone to the War Memorial Museum. We talked for a bit, then started supper. I cleared a bunch of e-mail, then Michele came home, and we ate soon after. After supper we sat quietly in the living room, reading or doing math puzzles. I got an answer from the cookware people asking why I was so negative, and offering to send me a replacement for $50. So I explained that cookware that has a risk of thermal cracking is of no value, and that I wouldn't have bought it if they had mentioned that in the ad, and I wouldn't want another one even if it was free. We'll see what they think of that.
**Here is another quilt from yesterday's show-and-tell using our exchange blocks**

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