Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blowin' in the wind

I did not sleep well last night because of the wind. We had the windows open for airflow, and the gusts rattled the vertical blinds all night long. It was the typhoon coming through. By morning the wind had lessened, and had settled before noon. We stayed in bed until 8:30. Chris stayed home because base was closed (the storm was earlier than expected), but Michele had to go to college. I found myself cleaning the tile porch.
This is quite a novel thing because for two years I have put it off. I tried it once, but it was so dirty that I had to change my wash water every two feet. Not good for my back. I often think "I will be happier when it is clean", but usually don't have the energy. But when I am already happy, somehow things just get clean. This time Chris carried all the boxes out and we sprayed it down with the hose that is out there. There is a drain, too. I used a mop to scrub it (the dirt out there blows in from the city and sticks, like grime). That worked for a third of the porch. The center section is higher than the ends, and the other end doesn't have a drain. So I vacuumed the center section with a brush attachment, and that worked well enough so that I could wash 4 feet to a tub of water. The sponge came off of the mop, so I had to do it by hand. Here is a picture showing washed floor in the foreground, swept-only floor midground, and untouched floor in the back. I usually look at it and think I would be so happy if it were clean.
For lunch I made more vegetable juice. My sewing student came early, about 1:30. She had a lot she wanted to work on because tomorrow is some kind of show that she wants to enter her items in. After she left, I swept inside the apartment, including the silk rug. I hate to think that the dirt which is on the porch is also all over the apartment and our furniture. Like they say, it's blowing in the wind.
God bless Blogger! The power just shut off for the third or fourth time, but lucky for me, Blogger saved most of what I had written!
I went back to washing the center section of the porch and finished just as Chris finished making supper. We had sausage and rice. I made some veggie juice later, and saved a bit to try fermenting. I also went into my sewing room to make something. What I decided to make is a cover for my mixer, since it has to sit on the porch. I hadn't finished it yet, when the power went off. Chris and Michele still had computer power (laptop batteries) but no internet. Chris went to bed. The power came back on, and Michele took her shower as I got on to write my blog. Then it went off leaving Michele in the dark, but thankfully not for long. It took longer for my computer to boot up again than it was out.
Even though the day seemed uneventful weather-wise, apparently there was damage on post and sections are out of power. So Chris has to go in tomorrow, but might come home early.
@#!$%#%! Power went out again. This time my computer won't reboot and I am on the old computer, the one from last century. I am going to publish this and go to bed.

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