Saturday, September 11, 2010


I slept in while Chris and Michele got up to play with their on-line friends. I had planned to do some sewing (or more planning of sewing) but that didn't happen. First I got on the computer to clear e-mail, and SKYPE a friend. Then Cathy called and asked me to go to Dongdaemun with her to exchange some QOV fabric for baby quilt fabric. How could I say no? She brought her neighbor along and the three of us went. I didn't plan to buy anything, but you know how that goes. Came back with two bags full. I went with Cathy to the SPC to drop of the fabric we exchanged, and then went to her house, where she showed me her works in progress. She is very industrious! Then Chris and Michele stopped by to get me on their way to Octoberfest at DHL. We got in line for the good German food, then sat with Judy and her husband to talk and eat. I was hoping to see the 8th army band but I guess this wasn't their night. And one can only take so much of the 'chicken dance'. Why is that considered German? So all 5 of us left. We came home to work on our computers. I learned that you should avoid aluminum in your antiperspirant. Have you checked your antiperspirant lately? As I was clicking on links and listening to the videos, I kept asking myself, "Is this really what I want to be doing?" No, I want to be sewing, and I am going to do that right now.

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