Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trying new things

Wednesday is usually a slow day, but not today. I had a whole list of things I wrote last night, just to make sure I had everything covered. And then Michele threw her two things in, asking for a ride. So we went to the consolidated mailroom where she signed for a letter. We went too early, but they were nice and let her pick it up anyway. Then we stopped by the DHL for her to cash a check. Then we went by Chris' office to send him a scan, and return other mail that got mixed in with his. Finally we stopped at the Chosun for me to register for the luncheon and buy a ticket for the auction. I don't really want to go, but Maryann keeps telling me that I AM going. Well, if I'm going to help decorate, might as well see the decorations in use.
We went home to have lunch. Then I drove to gate 17 to take the subway to the big D. I found corded tassels there for a friend in the states. Yes, I found a few things for myself, too, and a Christmas present for Michele. Then I went to Gangnam to meet Julia. Kinda went the long way around, but got there all the same. She met me on the street because I passed right by her building without seeing it. She took me to Dr. Fish. It is a tea and coffee bar, that also has a little trough where fish eat the dead skin cells off of your feet. Oh yes, and all the free bread you can eat. I didn't eat the bread, but I did feed the fish. The big fish were quite ravenous and it was hard to remain calm as they feasted on my feet. So Julia insisted that I move to the smaller fish. They were barely a tickle. When my twenty minutes were up, we left there to go to a photo sticker booth. The place has 6 or more photo booths. You sit in one, feed the money in, and it allows you to pick settings for your photos. After the shoot, you get to add electronic bling to the pics, like stars, hearts, special words, bunny ears, etc. The results were quite funny. We each paid for a sheet of photo stickers. Then she had to go, and I got in line for the subway. The station was so full, that I could not get on the next train that came by. And the one I did get on was so full that even though I did not have a hand-hold, I couldn't have fallen over if I had tried. I was so glad to get back to base. That is when I realized that my gate was closed. So I rested in my car for a bit, then drove to the apartments. Michele was home, watching Bonanza episodes. I had a few bites to eat, and I watched with her until bedtime.

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