Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yonsei talent and fashion show

I slept in late, until 9:30. Chris was up and on his computer. Michele left for college. Chris was cooking really big turkey legs and thighs. I had breakfast and read through e-mail. I spent all too much time trying to decide where to buy scissors for our group, and which scissors to buy. I did go in the sewing room to finish the sparkly top I started last week. Nothing left to do but attach a hook and eye. I can't find one, though. Last year I took one from an old bra, but can't find the bra this year to get another one.
Chris then made two pecan pies. He wanted to eat a piece as soon as it came out of the oven, but I told him that I just know something horrible will happen if he eats dessert before supper. So when the turkey was ready, we ate that. My turkey leg was so big, that I couldn't finish it. Not that I am crazy about turkey anyway. But all I had was the turkey and Chris' freshly made cranberry sauce. The turkey put me to sleep. Chris woke me just before 6 so we could catch a taxi to Yonsei University. Michele was part of a fashion and talent show. All of the acts were good, and then students wearing costumes from different countries filed in. Michele wore a dress from India. Afterwards, they announced the talent contest winner. Then we walked across campus to catch a taxi. It was so cold, but once my cheeks froze, I felt more comfortable. It took a while to find a taxi not in use. And it took a while to get home due to all the night traffic. Michele was hungry, so she ate turkey while Chris had another piece of pecan pie. And then it was time for bed.

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