Sunday, January 9, 2011


My alarm did not go off. Guess I forgot to reset it yesterday. So we missed church, again. We had a shower and ate breakfast. Then Chris and I drove to post. We walked from there to E-Mart to buy organic eggs and natto. I wore the long gloves that Faye sent. But they weren't warm enough. I should have wore two pairs. And warmer socks. Well, it was 25F. Sounded like a heat wave after temps in the low teens. Chris offered to go with me to get kimchi, but it was too cold to walk there. So we went to the Px and GNC, then home. Michele watched Chris play his new computer game for awhile, and then they went to post to see a movie, Megamind. I stayed home to vacuum, wash dishes, and clean the stovetop. I boiled the eggs and put them in the fridge. I listened to a number of tapping audios until my family returned. They went back to the computer game. I watched for a little while, but it did not fascinate me like it does them. I made the other block for the donation quilt (which I meant to do yesterday). Is this all there is to life? Trying to keep up with the housework, quilting, e-mail, and volunteer commitments? Trying to make other peoples lives better because I can't do my own?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe this was a day to stay in bed and read a good book. Some days are like that but most days are joyful--aren't they? Look where you are, it's cold yes, but you have good physical health, you can see, read, hear, sing, hum, walk, bend, sew, quilt, type, etc. You have many many gifts. Smile.
You're a wonderful person. AL