Friday, January 28, 2011


I woke up about 9, sorry I hadn't made Chris a sandwich last night. I started unpacking and found a bag of scraps that I had bought at the quilt show. Each piece was supposed to be big enough to cut 4 charm squares from. None of them were. Most were only big enough for one. But I cut what I could. The rest will have to be scraps for the baby quilts. Then I had breakfast and tackled my e-mail. I got rid of all the e-mails that require only a cursory reading. I posted what happened yesterday to my blog before I forgot it. During that time I ate a bag of frozen blueberries since there was no fresh fruit in the apt. Cathy called to say she'd be at the AnC center. Since I had bought her some fabric in Tokyo with money she had given me, I decided to go over there later and give it to her. I finished unpacking, then tackled trying to put everything in my fannypack and purse back the way it was. I had taken out stuff that I didn't need in Japan, but I can't find it all to put it back. I also wanted to sew up the coat pocket that tore in Nippori, but can't find my dark green thread. I had nuts and eggs for lunch, then took out some recyclables on my way over to the AnC center. I got talking to the gate guard, told him I had been to Tokyo where it is warmer. He wanted to know why I went, and I had a heck of a time explaining what a quilt was, even with the pics on my camera. When he came up with the word 'textile', I accepted it and went on my way. It was very cold and I was glad for my super heavy coat (which I hadn't brought to Japan). Cathy was there with Helle quilting a double wedding ring. I showed her what I bought for her and she seemed pleased. She had some charm squares for me and I took the charm squares that I had bought in Japan and put them into 4 piles (because each fabric appeared 4 times in the stack). I kept two stacks, and gave one each to Cathy and Helle. We all talked for awhile, and then packed up to go. They will come back tomorrow to finish Helle's quilt. I drove to the gate and walked home. Chris was already home. There was no mail for us today, but he gave me an envelop from my parents containing Ken-Ken puzzles. Thanks, Mom. He wasn't feeling well and thought he might be contagious, so he asked Michele to heat up leftovers. I had presented Michele with an obi that I bought for her at the quilt show. She found a Youtube video on how to wear it, and dressed up for a picture. I took several, but I like this one the best. We all spent the rest of the evening on our computers. Chris went to bed early.


Gail said...

Michelle is lovely in her kimono/obi!

fern said...

Thank you. I agree.