Monday, April 18, 2011

Making zippered pouches

I really had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. Even doing sit-ups to get my heart pounding did not erase the grogginess I felt. I dragged myself through breakfast and e-mail and a shower. Then I collected everything everyone expected me to bring and walked over the pedestrian bridge to post. I arrived a little late to the SPC and ironically LOTS of ladies were there. The ONE time I'm late.... Anyway, instead of working on baby quilts etc, we shared purse patterns, and quilt magazines. Carla demonstrated how to make a zippered pouch, and provided the zippers and fusible fleece. We had scraps from the closet for anyone who didn't bring fabric. The resulting pouches really turned out cute! Everyone who came seemed to be enthusiastic about the project. Most stayed for lunch. It was great to have such a big group. It was almost three when the last people left. I parked out by gate 17 and walked to the market to buy kimchi and eggs. The man did not have any eggs, but he took some money from his register, and left. He returned swiftly with flat of eggs, and sold me 10 to fit in the box I brought. I took my purchases home. I put the eggs in the fridge and the kimchi in jars. I left them out to ferment. I eliminated more e-mail. I had just quit and was clearing the stuff on top of my music keyboard when Chris came home. He put a chicken in the oven. I played for awhile, then laid down until Michele came home. Chris wanted to play our latest Netflix arrival - Pleasantville. So that I could relax and enjoy it, I had to finish my chores. I ran the vacuum, printed out the next part of my handout, and washed the popsicle makers. I juiced the veggies, poured them in the makers and cleaned the juicer. We ate supper and sat back to enjoy Pleasantville. It was remarkably thought-provoking for a Hollywood film. But now it is time for bed. Got a big morning ahead of me.

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