Friday, April 29, 2011

Scoring applications

I followed my usual morning routine, albeit a little faster than usual. I met MaryAnn past the walk-in gate at 8:50. We parked in the commissary lot and walked out Gate 52. We walked past the Starbucks, and the Capitol Hotel. We wound around and ended up in the right place. The apartment we went to was full of women eating fruit and muffins, getting ready to score the scholarship applications. MaryAnn and I sat at the kitchen island to work. There were 60 applications and each one needed to be scored by three people. I estimated that there were 15 ladies for scoring (others did the filing, answered questions, etc). So if each one of us scored 12 appications, that should do it. Well, some scores came out so differently among their three scorers, that they had to be scored 4 or 5 times. By three I was wiped out. Some of the essay questions were quite interesting. But still, it was work. MaryAnn left with Mrs. Sharp to give her a ride. I finished later, and walked home from there, not bothering to go back to post. I sat in the courtyard and read for half an hour. Then went up to the apartment. Michele was home and I told her she would have found the scoring process interesting and gave details of the most memorable ones. I realized that I had forgotten the thrift shop banner that I had carried to the scholarship process. I had offered to wash it. Oh well. I really DON'T need one more thing to do right now. I cleared some e-mail, and rebooted my computer. I listened to an interview while I worked on the old computer, digitizing something for a quilt block. When I left it alone for awhile, it froze up and I had to reboot that one too, twice. Then I prepared for the birthday party tomorrow. I found the gift I had made, but could not find my collection of gift bags. I wrote down the directions, and checked the bus website to find out how many stops, but it was unclear. I plugged in my phone to recharge, and put fresh batteries in my camera. I feel as if I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Anyway, ii is late and I am going to bed soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh how funny to see a fireplace in a korean apt. That gave me a good laugh, thanks Fern. Hope you arrive safely to your destination tomorrow. AL from CA

Fern said...

We did arrive safely. Thank you. All travel went perfectly.