Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stuffed Pumpkins

Chris got up sometime around 2am to go to work. I fell back asleep. I woke about 7, and took some food waste downstairs to drop off before reading my book. As I read, I was occasionally assaulted by raindrops. But I stayed for an hour anyway. I went up to have breakfast and e-mail. At 10:30 I had a shower, gathered some recyclables, and headed for the thrift shop. There were not many books to shelve, so I filled my time by counting 1000 piece puzzles. Actually, most were over 1000, so I guess that number is just a guideline. It takes me 20 minutes each. Hardly worth it for a $4 price tag. And it is no guarantee that all the pieces are there. If there are 1007, is that right or should there be 1008? Anyway, at 2 they decided to call it a day. I drove to the DHL to cash a check and get cash for picking up my dress tomorrow. Then I stopped by the commissary to get cherry tomatoes. But they were all gone, and the lady said the man who brings them doesn't work there any more. So I got Romas but they don't look as good. Also got a brown coconut (no fresh ones) and Cheerios for Michele. At home, I made a hole in the coconut, sipped out the water, then whacked it with a hammer. The shell cracked all over, and only the meat was left. It resembled an deflated basketball. I ate about half while reading e-mail. I took a pic of the machine parts that the Pfaff man took last December. At 4 I pushed myself away from the computer to work on tonight's class. I rounded up some green fabric and some orange fabric. I found a little bit of stuffing, and last year's pattern. I printed out the more complicated pattern just in case. I also brought the minutes for Cathy to sign if she came. But she didn't. I arrived about 6:15, got the materials out of the closet. Someone had stacked the tables against the wall, and covered them with chairs. So I had to dig out the tables. We had a nice size class. The prayer group next door had their kick-off meeting. I forgot to take pics of the pumpkins we made, but they were cute. This pic is from last year. Erin brought me 5 pillowcases she'd made for the kids with cancer. They are really cheery. I was able to sell one ruler and a gridded ironing board cover. We packed up early since the project went fairly fast. I went home expecting Chris would be in bed, but he was still up, though not for long. I made his sandwich for tomorrow and soaked my sprouts. Their performance is so disappointing. I don't know what has changed.

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