Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thrift shop meeting

I finished my book this morning. But it did take the full hour. Then I had breakfast, e-mail, a shower, and watered my sprouts. The broccoli sprouts are doing much better this time. Then I worked on my purple and yellow blocks until it was time to go to the thrift shop. As I walked to post, I noted that the weather was cool and nice for walking. How prophetic. My car wouldn't start so I had to walk to the thrift shop. I arrived a little later than 11. The meeting was already in progress. I figured I had missed only about 10 minutes, but when they gave door prizes and I got one, someone remarked that winners should be required to attend at least half an hour of the meeting. Oops, it started at 10. Oh well. After the meeting, we gave gifts to Ella because she is leaving. The board gave her two pearl necklaces and a set of pearl earrings. I gave her the Christmas quilt that I meant to give her at Christmas but it wasn't done. When we went back to work, I shelved books and a few magazines. Carmen was there and I hadn't seen her in a long time. Joan was there, too, and when she heard I needed a bra to create bra art for the next luncheon, she said she'd bring me some. Some people will give you the shirt off their back, and some will give you their bra... Anyway, a crockpot came in that was like mine only the dial was broken. So I kept the inner pot. I also got a coffee grinder so I won't have to use Chris' to grind my flax seed. When it was time to go home, I had a crock pot to carry back to my car. I measured it at the car and left it in the trunk. No sense in carrying it all the way up if it isn't the same size. I read e-mail for about two hours and then Chris called to set a time to jump my car. When it was running, we drove it to his office. He went inside to get a paper that he forgot, and I drove around for a bit. Then he came out and drove it around some more to charge the battery. When we left for home, he brought the crock pot thinking it would fit. But when we tried it, it was too big. Michele was not home so we...took advantage of the situation. By the time we finished, she was home and eating a burrito. So we ate leftovers too. I promised myself I would sew, but I had just started entering the Army digital photography contest on-line, and wanted to finish. I had no idea that it would take so long to go through my pics and pull out the good ones, and crop some others. Now it is time for bed. I also meant to make veggie pops. That didn't happen either.

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