Woke up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep. After Chris' shower, tried to re-create a normal breakfast. Used almond milk instead of coconut milk 'cause I don't have a jar to ferment the milk in. Left kimchi out to ferment, but I don't think it did. Chris went to lodging center to get breakfast. His parents are coming tomorrow to bring him his car. I thought I would spend at least part of the day unpacking, but that is not what happened. I spent most of the morning reading e-mail and hoping the maid would come so I could be here then and leave later. I learned that Vit D prevents cavities far better than fluoride, with many additional health benefits - like preventing heart disease and cancer (by 77% according to one study)... also pneumonia, lung disease, diabetes and stroke.
After lunch(and no maid), I decided to walk to the library that I could see marked on the map Chris got at the lodging center. It was a good thing I brought the map with me. Roads were not where they appeared to be. Eventually I did find it, but it was not open. Only on W, R, F, and S. So I headed for the thrift shop, but along the way I passed the ACS building. So I stopped in there to see if they had a quilting group on post. No, but she knew just about everything else.She gave me a welcome package and a Huntsville phonebook. The questions she couldn't answer, she took notes on and sent me an e-mail later. She told me about a Korean grocery store right outside gate 8, She told me that civilians can get housing on post. She told me they have very few military and lots of retirees. She was very nice, as were all the other ladies there. When I left, I had a bog of flyers in addition to the welcome package. I walked to the thrift shop, but it was closed, too. Then I tried to walk home, but again the streets were not where they appeared to be. Still, I did figure it out. When I got home, Chris was there. Apparently there isn't much he can do until they get him a computer account to log on. But he did have a work phone number. We sat together and read e=mail. I wanted to sit outside for a bit but it was too hot and I did not bring any shorts. Silly me thinking the weather would be cool. Then he wanted to go get cell phones. So up we jumped and sped away in the car. We went out gate 8 and stopped by the Korean store for kimchi. Then used the Garmin to find ATT. I was not impressed with the Garmin because it doesn't tell you which side of the street the target location is on. We were not impressed with the traffic control design of the streets because there were so many places that you couldn't cross the street, or turn left or drive from one strip mall to another. We did not buy at ATT because they only had 2-year contracts, or 10 cents a minute pre-paid phones. We also tried locations for Sprint and Verizon, but they were closed and other stores had moved into their locations. Along the way we passed Earth Fare, a mostly organic grocery store. I bought cheese and ground beef. Then we looked for a sewing machine repair place, but did not find one, so we went home. Chris fixed himself a burrito and I browned some of the beef. I was not as good as the organic bison that the commissary had. After supper Chris put in a Netflix DVD and I read more e=-mail. Then we went to bed 'cause I kept falling asleep. I awoke in the middle of the night unable to sleep. I did not want to turn on any lights, so I did some tapping in the livingroom. I was worried about tall the shipments of stuff that are coming and where am I going to put it all? How are we going to afford enough of a house for me to have space for the fabric? The maid told me that someone is going to pick up the sofa and love seat to have them shampooed. Will there be a place for my in-laws to sit when they get here tomorrow?
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