Saturday, October 1, 2011

What else...more quilting.

Still no pics of the ceremony yesterday. I would have thought they'd be posted on one of the Army's facebook pages by now.
Anyhow, this morning it was too cold to read outside, and too cold to be barefoot. So I stayed in bed longer and Chris 'kept me company'. Ha. He and Michele did not play with the voices today. I guess the voices were not playing. I had breakfast and gathered up the stuff for a quilt and a cushion cover. Chris drove me on post. I took my car to the AnC center, passing Mary walking her dog. The AnC staff was outside and waved to me as I went in. It took me an hour to get the quilt layers loaded, and to pick a thread color and a quilting pattern. I decided to do all the basting at once and use up one of the low bobbins so the next person would have an empty bobbin. Everything was going well. Then Cathy came by after her class. Not that it reflects on her, but then things went wrong. The needle fell out. The 'continue' function didn't. Even the Restart wouldn't. Then the Statler Stitcher software crashed and we had to reboot. But she got it back up and running. While it stitched, we looked at designs for the cushion cover. I purposely made it from rather plain fabrics so the quilting would show. So we picked elaborate designs. But the white thread just did not do it justice. She left just before it finished. I stayed a little longer to trim both pieces, then I went downstairs to pay the fees. I drove to gate 12, taking one of the last remaining parking spaces. I walked into Itaewon to see if Mr. Bob had my shoes ready. I had trouble finding him, but when I did, he did not have them ready. Then I stopped by the embroidery place with a photo of what I wanted on a jacket, but the lady said they couldn't do it. So I returned to post, stopping to buy squid fries on the way. It had become a nice day, so I sat in front of the vet clinic, ate squid fries and read, barefoot. Then I drove back to my parking lot. I could have called Chris, but decided to walk home 'cause the weather was so nice. Chris was cooking supper when I got home. I read through some e-mail, sent a few messages, and finished the small quilt into a cushion cover. I serged the raw edges for good measure. Now I am ready for bed.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilting!!
AL from CA

Fern said...

Thanks. I appreciate your comment.