Sunday, February 19, 2012

Everything works out

I got up early to have breakfast, shower, dress, peruse e-mail, and pack for class. I even remembered to pack lunch (seaweed) - everything I needed to sew, but I forgot my purse. That meant no glasses and no tissues. I was only 5 minutes late when I arrived in the parking lot. Not too bad. Other ladies walked in after I did, so I wasn't the latest one. The class got off to a slow start, as informal classes usually do. It was interesting to see what colors and fabrics each person was using. It was also interesting to see how it was supposed to be done, as compared to how I did it because I couldn't wait for the class. I had cut a wedge 30 degrees wide and 18 inches on two sides. As it turns out, that was only part of the pattern. Their wedge was cut from the middlle of a square of paper so it had pieces around it that add corners so the quilt will come out square. Oh, well, I am sure I will come up with something to finish it out to a square. Jen had an extra pair of reading glasses which came in very handy. Deb was very impressed with the idea of pieces that fit into a rectangle (for cutting) and then rearrange into a 30 deg. wedge to make the kaleidoscope. I tried it with the colored rick-rack on black fabric. The consensus of opinion that that it was too bright, so I did not sew the pieces together after I cut them out. I spent the rest of the day working on the green and purple one. Chris called while I was in class to ask for a carton of eggs. So on my way home I stopped at Kroger for eggs and I hope to find the raw organic cheese. But no such cheese was there. When I got home, he used the eggs to make dark chocolate brownies for after church. I helped a little, and watched the latest episode of BBT on my computer. Then we went to Best Buy to replace our TV. The TV's were on sale so we were able to get a similar one plus the tax for a little less than the money we were paid to replace it with. We also were able to buy organic cheese at the Earthfare next door. Then on the way home, we stopped at a gas station and filled my tank, AND we stopped for natto at the Asian market near post. When we arrived at home, Chris brought the TV in, and set it up while I took the cheese and natto up to the frig. It was great. Chris was everything I needed. He was my chauffeur, personal shopping assistant, delivery man, gas station attendant, installation technician, and snuggler. We watched more epsiodes of B5 and went to bed.

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