Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ran out of fabric?!?!

I got up early enough to shower, eat dress and read e-mail. I dressed in blue to be visually recessive since the altos have to stand in front of the choir in church. Not only does blue recede because it is a cool color, but it is also the color of the carpeting in the sanctuary. I sat at the piano to practice the alto lines, then I cut up some brownies, put them on a plate, and covered them with plastic wrap. When we got to church, I practiced with the choir before the service. Then we sang after the prayer of the day. During communion, the pastor gave me a hunk of bread he ripped from a loaf he was carrying. It was too big to eat in one bite and I wondered what was the best thing to do. I ate it in two bites, but did not feel good on it. Should I have offered it to Chris? Palmed it 'till after church? Blessed the birds? After the service, everyone in church went to the fellowship hall to wish the director Happy Birthday. Big cake, and a table of snacks and punch. With all those people there, I thought I should have packed more brownies, but they did not all get eaten. Probably because there was so much cake. We sat near the back of the room and talked to two older men. I did not notice that almost everyone had left. Chris went to get our plate, and one of the women added some pieces of fudge to it, then gave it to him wrapped up. We took our treat, and stopped by Publix on the way home for groceries. Only $75 this week. At home, we ate lunch separately in front of our laptops. I watched the latest episode of Castle. Chris went downstairs to watch BG on the large TV. I came down later to work on the blue kaleidoscope. It was nice to have sound in the background as I worked. I discovered that there were not enough strips for all the wedges. I was one short. I was able to cut three of the needed fabrics from leftovers, but there was nothing left of the 4th one (the light blue in the second pic). No selvedge edges either. I have no idea what the name of the fabric is or who made it. It is frustrating to be one 2.5 inch strip short of a complete quilt top. I searched for any pieces of it that might have been stuck to other fabric from the same source, but with no luck. Finally I decided to make all the wedges I did have enough fabric for. I sewed and sewed, and then discovered that piece #3's got turned around. No wonder they didn't fit. Then I ripped and ripped. I pinned the pieces in correctly just as Chris asked if I wanted to watch B5 with him. It was a pretty good offer, so I quit to join him. After an evening of episodes, we came up. He checked his e-mail and went to bed. I started to check mine when I became aware of a small, strange noise. It was my fermented coconut milk building up pressure and forcing itself out into a growing pile of white goo. I released the pressure, and put it in the frig, hoping to slow down the fermentation. Now I am posting and going to bed.

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