Monday, March 26, 2012

Outside and in

I never heard Chris get up this morning, just woke up to find him gone. I went to the garage to get the rebounder. I put it in front of the TV. Using it there, I found I got tired more quickly, but I stayed for more rounds. Then it was time for breakfast. As I was preparing it, I noticed the garbage, so I took it out to the curb. I read e-mail both during and after eating. It was such a nice day that I went out to plant the tomato and pepper. There were two plants in the tomato pot and I was going to separate them, but they weren't cooperating, and it wasn't worth risking them both. I could not resist pulling some weeds after the planting. I got out the lawn mower, too. The tall weeds seem to stall it, so I alternated mowing with raking. Seemed to work pretty well. I did under the magnolia tree and part of the back yard. I spent some time identifying weeds but didn't find anything new to eat. After lunch I took all the food waste and blended it into a soup to water the tomatoes. I also watered the suckers that I pinched off and planted in a container to root. I put it in the shade so as not to dry out too quickly. I practiced my instrument a little. Sewing was next on the list. I moved all my multi-colored fabrics to the cabinets in the garage to make enough room in the sewing area to arrange the rest by color. I found some fabrics I hadn't seen before that kind of went with the black and bright quilt. I took some pics of the combinations. Chris came home, fixed himself a salad, and filed our taxes online. I picked some dandelion to go with my salad, and watched some chakra videos on Youtube. There was a knock at the door and a young boy stood there. He and his parents had come for boxes and paper. They took all they could fit in their car. I encouraged them to come back for more. When Chris finished filing, we went down to watch two episodes of B5. All we have left now is the last two episodes. How I wish Kurt hadn't told me how it ends. I wanted to be surprised.

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