Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tapping Marathon

The day began with breakfast and e-mail. Later I took a shower while Chris did laundry, and I practiced my trombone. That did not last long because my lip is out of shape. I vacuumed up dust in several corners. The tapping marathon started at noon our time. Basically that just entails a large number of tapping videos by various 'experts' being available for free for 48 hours on the website. I took my laptop outside for awhile to tap, but came inside when the battery got low. Chris made chicken soup. I had two bowls for lunch. I did some more tapping, this time in the guest room and for some reason fell asleep. I had to recharge my battery again. My hair kept falling in my face, so I cut my bangs. I also hooked up the PS-2 but did not get a chance to play it. Chris started his on-line game and it was interfering with my ability to hear the videos, so he plugged up my computer in the livingroom. I listened to a few more videos. Kurt e-mailed me about NPR having a program that featured jokes. I used Google to find it. Sadly that window got closed. There were some of the funniest jokes I had ever heard. I meant to save that link. At this point, having already watched the tapping videos that I really wanted, I switched over to the Quantum Jumping series by Burt Goldman. Kurt then started Skyping me. So I went back and forth between Skype and Youtube. When I realized it was after 11, I quit both in order to write my blog and go to bed. No sewing, no B5, and no bed sheets. They are still in the laundry basket.
* The blooms on this tree are getting bigger, in spite of the high winds yesterday *

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