Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday and Monday

Sunday_________________________________________The alarm went off at 6am EST. We did not get up right away but soon thereafter. We packed up and said goodbye to my parents and were on the road by 7:15. We continued our book on CD, the 11th volume of the Stephanie Plum novels. Before noon we stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch. We had to wait for a table, but I enjoyed looking at all the ornaments and other things for sale. All except for the orange peanuts. No fond memories there. After lunch we were on our way again. We made good time except for the traffic going into Chattanooga. We arrived home at 5:30 CST. After unloading the car, we went to the grocery store and then made supper. We caught up on some of our e-mail and then watched the last episode of NCIS. Chris was really tired so we went to bed early._________ Monday___________________________________________________ I woke in the middle of the night. But Chris said it was time for him to get up and that the alarm had just gone off. I did not hear it because I was having a bad dream. I was back in school and one of the kids had stolen my lesson plans and role book, but I couldn't tell which one. I must have fallen back asleep while Chris was leaving for work. Still, I was up by 7:30. I read e-mail and exercised a little bit, but reminded myself that I was going for a walk later. It was Cyber Monday and my e-mail was full of offers. The only ones I was interested in were for supplements and superfoods. I placed an order with Swansons. And started on one with I knew they had a free pie with order offer but I couldn't find it. At 10 I stepped away from the computer and packed a satchel with a quilt that needed binding, some handwork, and my camera and glasses, as well as lunch. Then I walked to the church where the ladies quilt every Monday. It took almost half an hour. I sat and worked on the binding while the others sewed. Several others were doing binding as well. Lunch was on Faye because I had packed a packet of seaweed, some carrot sticks, and a bottle of coconut water. At 2 a lady named Jill took me home since it was on the way to her house. I called the car repair place and asked them if they could deliver my car. They said yes and told me the price. I wrote a check and put it in my pocket. Then I went outside to look at my plants. The tomatos are all dead by frost bite. So were the marigolds and mums. The leafy grens were fine. I ate a red frosted tomato. Then I raked leaves in the front yard for almost an hour. Actually there were not as many leaves as I expected. Then a man showed up with my car. I gave him the check and he gave me the keys. Then he rode off with another man in a green Taurus station wagon. I did a little raking in the back too, but then I felt raindrops, so I went in. I checked out a few more Cyber deals in my inbox and took breaks to sweep the floor, and work on my quilt. I watched the news while I sewed. Back and forth between the TV and my laptop. When I had done as much on my quilt as I could do upstairs, I turned back to crocheting. I started another scarf by combining leftover yarn in green and variegated. Chris came home after his big dinner at work. He read his e-mail and went to bed. I had a lot more e-mail to read, so got to bed a lot later. * pic from party *

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