Sunday, February 10, 2013

I have never met a one-way street that I liked

We got up about 8, I think. I read my e-mail and then grabbed a bag of egg cartons and headed to the car. I had looked up the location on google maps. It should have been easy - drive N down Whitesburg until it becomes one way going S. Turn right. The church parking would be on the next block. Well, it was, BUT the entrance was marked EXIT ONLY. So I figured I'd drive around the block and come on on the side. Only the next side street was 'one way' in the wrong direction and I didn't discover it until AFTER I had turned on it. I backed up pretty fast. Ok, so perhaps the NEXT side street? Well, it turned out to be pretty far away. It's like all of a sudden I was out of the city and into a neighborhood. Finally I turned around and came back, finding an entrance into the small parking lot. That is where the Dixon Family Meat people were passing out the orders of meat they had gotten earlier in the week. I mentioned how much trouble I had because of all the one-way streets. Another lady there said she hated it too and encouraged me to write to the mayor. I handed them a check and the egg cartons and they handed me a bag of frozen meat: one tongue, one liver, a chuck roast and a pork roast. I put them in my cooler and came home. The meat went into the freezer. Then Chris and I loaded all of the card board (that had gotten wet when the garage flooded) into my car along with boxes of beer bottles and assorted jars. We took it all to the recycling center. The recycle truck will not pick up glass or corrugated cardboard. Then, at last, I had breakfast. There were two tapping audios from the summit and I listened to them, as well as 4 tapping Youtube videos by Brad Yates. I finished a 16 x 16 Sudoku puzzle. Then I went down to sew. I made three more green and brown blocks and sewed the 6 into a set. I auditioned borders to that because I don't feel like making 6 more of those blocks. Then I came upstairs where Chris was gaming with the voices. I ate some goat cheese and an avocado. Then I sat in the lounger to read a book. It was relaxing. When Chris' game was finished, I Skyped Michele, who is now back in Korea. After we chatted and she asked for a Nutella care package, we hung up and Chris and I went to bed. I forgot to post to my blog.
* Here is a pic from one of the sewing Mondays. It is not mine. *

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