Friday, February 1, 2013

India Palace

I slept in after Chris left for work. I got up to tap, but the download time was so slow that I checked e-mail in between videos to allow them to load. I got in some exercise before breakfast. It was cold outside, but I braved the chill to retrieve the solar dancing flower that the wind blew down. I set it by the kitchen window to catch some rays. After I finished most of the e-mail, I headed to Target. I picked up some flour for making more cloud dough and some organic vegetables for juicing. There was oil left at the church from a previous project so I went there next. But the oil was gone. I talked to Tamara and she made copies of a coloring page for the kids to do before they play with dough. On the way home I stopped at CVS for some oil, but they didn't have what I wanted. I put the veggies in the fridge, then ate lunch and googled how to bake cloud dough. But the only dough I found like it was unleavened dough. So much for the idea of having the kids make and bake little cakes like in Bible times. I went outside to rake leaves. I found debris in the front yard. Not for the first time, I wondered why people throw trash out of their cars into our yard. I watered the greenhouse garden. I came in and finished folding the laundry. I have been working on it all week, but kept getting interrupted. I put it away. Then I sat with my stack of Sudoku puzzles that have no numbers filled in. The puzzle just groups the digits by two's, three's four's and sometimes five's and says how much they add up to. Chris came home then. He suggested going to an Indian restaurant that one of his co-workers raved about. We looked it up on the internet and decided to go. We were worried that it would be very busy on a Friday night. But it wasn't. It was empty. Except for the small staff. There were sari's hung on the walls. I ordered shrimp curry and Chris got lamb. The waiter asked what level of spiciness I wanted it. He said 3 was very mild and 6 was very hot. Well, I wanted something in the middle. Mathematically that would be 4.5. So I rounded up. Sigh. Chris got the 4. He ate through his meal in no time. I had to pick through mine, add lots of rice and drink ice water. Red is my color and it was all over my face. I could not finish it. Chris asked for the check and put his credit card in the black folder. When they brought the receipt back, the card was gone. He searched and they searched and it was found on the floor by the cashier. When we left, there was no one there but the staff. Very odd considering the food was very good. When we got home, we checked our e-mail one more time, and then went down to watch Come September with Rock Hudson and Gina Lollobrigida. Chris fished a few pinecone splinters out of my thumb and then he went to bed.

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