Thursday, July 18, 2013

Border talk

I had trouble falling asleep last night due to the pain in my hands.  I felt betrayed by my favorite food.  But somehow I woke up before 9, 'though not by much.  I read e-mail for a long time.  I made a smaller grounding mat to take on vacation.  I wrote my post for yesterday and needed a pic of my tomato plants for it.  So I went out to the garden to take it.  I saw a pink surprise lily blooming in the garden which meant that the ones in the square flowerbed couldn't be far behind.  I wanted to mow that bed before the lilies came up.  So since it was already after 11, I ate breakfast without stopping to exercise.  I removed the bricks around the bed which separate it from the rest of the yard.  I heard the recycle truck stop next door, but it was too late to get them organized and out to the curb.  I mowed the bed, which was difficult because the grass was so high, but still far easier than clipping it by hand.  I avoided the morning glory and the lantana.  The bricks went back into place and the bed looked pretty good.  Since the mower was out, I mowed the side yard.  It was pretty hot and I got dehydrated so I quit there and came in.  I drank two glasses of water and sewed some cording.  Then I put on my suit and laid in the sun.  Gotta be in shape for the beach.  That was followed by more sewing.  I put cording on both the top and the bottom of kneeler #3.  I changed clothes and went into the basement to find Dudley.  He wasn't there, but I picked up a blue monkey instead.  I picked Alec up at daycare and took him home.  I read him 6 Mercer Mayer stories.  There was one more, but my voice was going.  We played with the blue monkey until he needed a nap.  Then we built a lego bedroom for him to sleep in.  Alec decided to hide when his mother came home.  Before I left, he gave me a small dinosaur.  I promised to bring it back tomorrow.   When I got home, Chris asked if I would like fish or turkey burgers for supper.  I opted for fish.  While it cooked, I read e-mail and looked at a sewing catalog.  I changed clothes again.  After eating the fish, I went to the quilt guild meeting.  I realized that I had forgotten my name tag.  I sat with Cheryl and Jody.  There was the regular show-n-tell, and the showing of the comfy quilts.  Then the program was about quilt borders.  The lady who gave the talk brought lots of quilts as examples.  When I got home, we watched several episodes of Chuck.  Then I downloaded the pics from my camera.  I was astounded to see 54 of them!  I posted to my blog and will probably go to bed.

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