Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First choir practice of the year

Before going to bed last night, I did a lot of tapping. As per a suggestion in one of the many e-mails I get every day, I decided to make 12 one-month resolutions instead of one or more year-long resolutions. Of course, tapping is at the top of my list and it shouldn't be too hard to find 12 subjects that need tapping on. I went to bed after tapping, and realized about 11:55 that I hadn't finalized my Swanson's order. Naturally I got up to do that because the current offer expires at midnight. HOWEVER, this morning they sent an e-mail extending the offer for a week.
I must have slept well because I got up at quarter of 8, which made me very happy. I sat in the sun and read for 20 minutes. Then I printed out a letter and put it in the mail with the two from yesterday.
I juiced the rest of the kale, broccoli, and celery. After drinking that, and cleaning up, I drove to Alison's farm. She told me about the hawk picking off her chickens and ducks. I bought soap and lotion bars and a dozen eggs. She gave me an aloe plant. She blends them in her smoothie's, skin and all. I left when the horse-shoe-er came. I made breakfast, read e-mail, and started cleaning up the dirt from the curtain fall. I still can't find the nails – they probably went down the heat registers. Mirna came over to see my stash and to get a check for organic walnuts. After she left, I ate some of the raw fish, resisting the urge to finish it off. I was meditation when Chris came home and made his supper. I accidentally got blueberry juice on my 'new' tablecloths and had to wash them, and find a few other things to round out the load. Then I took a shower, which was not the best idea when the washer is drawing its water. Then I mixed some hummus with a fresh garlic clove and some fermented cod liver oil. I prepared a week's worth of supplements and put the nearly empty bottles by my laptop for reorder. Seems like there is always something to reorder. I grabbed my purse and coat for choir, but couldn't find my glasses. I went down to check my sewing box. I found them there and put the tablecloths in the dryer. Then I drove to the church. I checked my box and found offering envelopes and a craft page for the last Sunday in January. We practiced 2 pieces: the first one was pretty easy and the second one pretty hard. We are supposed to sing the first one on Sunday without the sheet music. Sadly I forgot my tablet, which would have come in handy for finding the right notes. The other altos said they were listening to me. I usually listen to Shannon, but she is gone now, possibly for good. After practice, our director and organist were placing quilts over the piano. They said it was to protect the strings from temperature changes which make it go out of tune. The quilts were not big enough so I said I might have one that was. When I got home, I measured my piano to see how big a quilt was needed. 98 by 60. I think only our kingsize bed quilt is that big. Then Chris and I watched 2 episodes of Forever Knight.  I stayed up to tap.
*  What is important about this picture is what isn't there.  *

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