Sunday, May 24, 2015

Birthday party

* pic to be uploaded later *
I put lavender oil on my feet again. It seemed like I had a little trouble getting to sleep, but I slept so well, that I got up at 7 (6am for me) and washed up and got dressed. I brought my computer to the breakfast area to read e-mail before everyone else got up. But soon Marie was taking the dogs for a walk, and the router wasn’t on so I just played meditation music from storage. Cecily came out and she turned on the router. I read some e-mail. Soon the others were up and we sat talking. I made breakfast and ate it. Chris drove us to my parent’s church. We got there a little early so took a moment to chat. Barbara told me my dad seemed confused at choir practice one week and someone went home with him to make sure he made it. I talked to Jaime until the service was about to start. Then Chris and I sat in a pew just inside the door. It was a nice service. The sermon was about Jesus’ temple tantrum. At the end of the service, the congregation was invited to go up to the front, light a candle and say who it was for. I wanted to light one for my mom, but was deterred by having to speak about it. But then my father went up from the choir and motioned to me. When I got up there, he asked me to light the candle while he spoke about my mother. That was perfect, except I had trouble figuring out how to use the lighter. And I was trying not to cry and my nose dripped copiously. Barbara brought me a tissue. We took our seats as others lighted candles. After the service, the lady beside us hugged me. She and her father also went up together to light a candle for her mother. Chris and I visited with people during the fellowship hour. Then we drove back to his parent’s house. They were having brunch. Cecily made us eggs and bacon. We visited for the rest of the afternoon. Marie took the dogs for a walk. Michele read a book. I stood in the sunshine. Chris and Al grilled pork loins on the grill. My family showed up just before 6:30. When supper was ready, we all sat filled our plates at the kitchen table and sat at the dining table and prayed. We had a great meal and even better conversation. Then Cecily brought out a chocolate cake with raspberry filling for Chris. He and Marie fixed plates of cake and ice cream for everyone (but me). Chris and Michele opened their birthday cards. Dad wrote nice notes in each one. I gave Faye her Honduran birthday present and a set of towels for Dad that Mom and I made. Dad and Cecily talked about teeth. Kevin had a headache, so I put some lavender oil on his forehead and he said it worked. Chris showed pictures on his laptop. Some of us saw Dad out to his car and William followed him home in his truck. Faye and Kevin left. We saw more pics on Chris’ computer. I wrote to my blog and was tired enough to go to bed.

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