Friday, December 1, 2017

Halfway Home

I got up about 9. While getting clean clothes out of my suitcase, I strained my back, but I tapped and it got better. I made and ate breakfast. We put the frozen leftovers in our food box and packed the car. Chris had some plants that Michele and Marie brought down from DC.
When we got on the road, we played the rest of a CD we were listening to. That finished our second book on CD. Since we did not have a third, Chris suggested listening to the first one again. I fell asleep for a bit. Traffic was light. When we got past Bristol, there was an accident on the other side of the road.
We found our hotel with no problem (and the help of GPS on Chris' phone). Going up the elevator, I noticed a very strong Lysol smell. I had to hold my breath. Then in the bathroom, the floor was sticky – probably too much soap. I mentioned it to the desk clerk and she came up later and mopped it.
I ate my now-defrosted leftover veggies and beans. Chris ate cheese and my leftover tortillas. I listened to one of the many interviews that have been posted recently. It was about a product called Biome Medic that reduces C-Reactive Protein and glyphosate levels. I looked up the ingredients since it was fairly expensive.
Michele called Chris and they played the dinosaur game. But the game did not go well because of the bandwidth (or something like that). So we scrolled through the channels and found back to back episodes of Big Bang Theory. During the commercials, we figured out how to download an audiobook to my tablet for the trip tomorrow. When Big Bang Theory was over, we watched Despicable Me 2.
And then we went to bed.
* a bare tree on the way to Alabama. *

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