Thursday, November 30, 2017

My husband is married to a senior citizen

I got up around 9. Chris had put a birthday card on my purse. It was a very sweet card. I realized I was now a senior citizen.
I started cleaning in the living room. I picked up all the fallen plant pieces. I swept up the dirt from the potted plants. I took empty pots outside. I washed or wiped the window sill and the various plant stands. Chris had a conference call at 11, so that is when I made and ate breakfast.
I used the vacuum to sweep the rug in the utility room and what corners I could reach.
I blended leftover carrots and tomato and chicken and pork. I cut my thumb slicing up the pork. Dad was very concerned and told Chris. I used up all the remaining broth to blend the ingredients. It made 9 cups. I put 7 cups in individual containers in the freezer. Two cups went into a jar in the fridge. I ate the little piece of pork left. I put little pieces of masking tape on the containers to mark them. When Dad got up from his nap, I showed him his lunches and explained how to take one out each day for the next day.
I went into the attic to find some wrapping paper. I wrapped and labeled a gift and put it where the Christmas tree normally goes. I packed up my stuff so Chris could start packing the car.
Dad got a call from the bank and for some reason could not return it. So Chris drove him to the bank while I cleaned up dead plant material in the den. Jennifer, our choir director in Huntsville called. And while I was talking to her, Chris called from the bank. So I hung up with her and called him back. He wanted Faye's number. I had to hang up to look it up and text it to him. I went back to cleaning and soon he and Dad were back.
When I finished, we bid Dad goodbye. Chris drove us to his parents' house. We sat in the living room talking until 6. Then we took the Prius and drove to a Mexican restaurant. Cecily and I ordered fahitas. I got the vegetable ones because they had mushrooms and cactus in addition to what came with the chicken and beef ones. We had a nice meal. Chris spoke Spanish to the waiter. Cecily dropped some napkins and I picked them up with my toes.
After we paid and packed up the leftovers, we went back to the house. I put my leftovers in plastic baggies and froze them for the trip home. I had just opened my laptop and plugged it in when I got a text from my tapping buddy. I had forgotten about our usual Thursday night session. I took my laptop to the basement for some privacy. We tapped for me and did some surrogate tapping. After an hour and a half, we concluded the session and I came upstairs. Al and Chris were watching football. I jotted notes for my blog while we talked. Then I finished up my blog so I could go to bed.
* a selfie taken at the restaurant *

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