Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Guild meeting


I got up at 7:30. I followed the usual morning routine. I emptied the dishwasher and washed dishes in the sink. I scrubbed the burner pans that have been soaking for several weeks. Most of the black came off without much scrubbing. I let them soak again. I moved a few things out of the front hall because Maintenance is coming for a routine inspection.

I mended the three socks Chris left on my sewing machine. I turned on the router. I read e-mail and then Diane called me to tell me about her recent trip to the doctor. Maintenance came. He didn't perform maintenance. He checked all the switches and lights and garbage disposal and smoke detectors, etc.

I went back to listening. I looked up clogged drains. I made breakfast. I got a message from Saronna saying she had other things to do so no playing together this afternoon. I texted Jamie that I was free to clean this afternoon. She had a problem and Chris said he'd look for the appropriate number for her to call. He also cut the sugar cane stalks so I could put them in water.

I went to the library and picked up the next (and last) season of BBT. I went by the post office and unlocked the swap shop for someone who was coming later. I put together some cleaners and went to Johnnie's house. I looked around the house to see what needed to be done. I started with the fridge. I also sprayed liquid soap on the greasy places around the stove. I put the burners in ammonia water to soak. I scrubbed them later and soaked them again. I cleaned the stove door. I cleaned all the fridge shelves, dried them, and put them back. I called Jamie and she said she was coming soon. But I had to be home by 5 and she hadn't shown up yet. As soon as I got home, I signed into the Zoom meeting for the quilt guild in Huntsville. I left the camera off and made supper while watching presentation on Schmetz needles. Then I sat to watch the rest of the meeting, including show and tell. When it was over, I did not hang around to talk.

I started watching Planet Lockdown and episode 9: the spike protein is the part of the virus that changes the most. They should have used a part that doesn't change much. But using the spike is good if you want to sell more vaccines because you have to keep making a new one.

I made tea and played my trombone until Chris was ready. We watched four episodes of BBT. We brushed our teeth. I watched more of Planet Lockdown, and noted where I stopped. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

* I don't think this was show-n-tell. I think it was to demonstrate some future project. *

* This is an inversion, keeps polluted air close to the ground *

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