Saturday, January 15, 2022

Signing to clean a friend's house


I had trouble falling asleep. My left ear was ringing louder than normal. So I slept in and got up late. I turned on the router, brushed, swished, etc. I finished episode 3 from last night:

CDC says it's ok to get the second shot even if you reacted to the polyethylene glycol in the first one. Combination shots (covid and flu) were approved without any safety studies because they say they have a 40 year history of safely combining vaccines. More deaths after vaccination have been reported for the covid shot than for all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. BBC started the Trusted News Initiative, a collaboration of news and big tech companies to censor any articles that they deem disinformation.

I listened to Polly and Mary. Housing called to say I needed to sign a document that was sent out to cleaners. I hadn't done it because it was e-mailed to me and then followed by a retraction e-mail. I went to Housing and signed the contract between me and DPG. Basically it said I have 10 business days to clean a house or pay $62/day for every day over that. She also gave me copies of the new cleaner-to-occupant contract.

When I got home, I filled out a new cleaning contract for this afternoon. I prepared a posting to our Facebook group for sewing on Saturday. I made breakfast and ate it while watching The Highwire. I paused it at 2:55 and walked to Brian and Johnnie's house. The inspection team was there. They were new, so I was the person with the most experience. Scary. Since the contract required payment in cash or money order, Brian put a dollar down. We all signed and the team took pics of the contract. They left. I said goodbye to Johnnie and she went to run errands. I watched Brian try Zud and then Clorox on the floor to clean the grout. I went home to get my car. I put two of her plants in my trunk. Brian helped me get another unpotted one in a box on the back seat. Then we hugged goodbye.

I went home and took the plants out of the trunk. I finished watching The Highwire. Chris came home from work with a pizza. He took the box out of my car. After he changed his clothes, he went to say goodbye to Brian.

I watched episode 4 of Covid Revealed. I paused it to make tea and we watched four episodes of BBT. Then I continued episode 4 until I retired for the evening.

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