Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A new opportunity


I woke early but stayed in bed, waiting for that first cortisol spike. I took charcoal, brushed, rinsed my sinuses. I read e-mail till almost 10. I drove up to the Chaplain's house to help clean. Jamie arrived soon after I did. We worked on the kitchen and den. We talked to Eileen and we left around noon.

I drove by Housing but they seemed busy. I went home for breakfast. Chris came home briefly for lunch. I listened to Dr. David Martin (who is also a lawyer) talk about patents on viruses since 1999. I fell asleep.

I woke up before 3, but waited till then, and went to the library. I got the second seasons of Columbo and BBT. I talked to Melissa. She didn't know about church now starting at 1pm. I guess only people who have been coming to church know that. I went by Housing. They had no Thursday appts so I set one up for an inspection next Monday. I watered the compost pile and our plants. I washed dishes, then jotted notes for today and wrote up yesterday. It was a warm afternoon and I wanted to collect the potting soil that Johnnie had thrown out in her back yard. But there was a work truck parked over there by the back fence. I kept an eye on it, and it moved to the driveway but didn't leave.

At 4:30 I met Diane at the gym. We worked out on machines that focused on arms, legs and obliques. Then she showed me a pic of the oxygen capsule that she used this morning at the same place that has infrared saunas. We talked about that and the sauna. We might do that next Monday.

I got home about 5:45. The truck was gone, but the temp had dropped to 39. I heated ground beef and quinoa in the toaster oven, then made a salad. I listened to some podcast. Then Chris signaled he was ready to watch TV. So I made tea. We watched four episodes of Big Bang Theory season 2. Then he went to bed because he plans to get up at 4:30 to go work out with the commander. I stayed up till after 11, then went to bed myself.

* I thought this headline was some kind of misrepresentation of the facts, but this is actually what the article says. *

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