Friday, February 11, 2022

Ceremony for the chaplain


I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. I got up about 7:30. I discovered that my stereo was still powered on. I turned it off. I took charcoal and brushed and swished. I checked e-mail.

Myra called. I made breakfast while talking to her. Chris came home for a few minutes and said hello to her. I finished breakfast, started watching The Highwire, then got dressed.

I drove to Chris' work, then went to the conference room across the hall where they were having a drop-in for the chaplain and his wife. It was a small room. For the little ceremony we all went into Chris' office, which is bigger than the conference room. Chris and the Sargent Major presented awards to the chaplain. The CSM gave a large wreath to his wife. People said nice things. There was a cake. CSM told me she would like to give a wreath-making class.

I went to the post office for mail. I came home with a package of kratom. I played around with the USAA site until I figured out how to put funds in Michele's account to pay for auto insurance. I finished watching The Highwire. Most of it was talking to Dr. Pierre Cory about ivermectin.

It was a lovely afternoon. According to my car, it was 59 degrees. I went walking with Jenni and Diane. Then Diane left and I stayed to talk to Jenni about going into Tooele for massages tomorrow.

I made quinoa and heated leftover ground beef for supper. Chris came home and made a burrito for his meal. He finished packing, kissed me, and headed out to the airport. I turned off the router and plugged my laptop into the modem. I pulled up some carrots, washed them off and ate them. I went back to listening to stuff on the internet.

I made tea and started typing my blog. Chris messaged me from the airport parking lot. I posted for yesterday. I spied a red envelop under my laptop. It was a Valentine card from Chris. I don't know how he got it under there without my seeing him. I texted him my appreciation.

I drank a tumbler of tea mixed with kratom while I watched one episode of Columbo. It tasted terrible. I nearly fell asleep by the end. I paused the DVD before the next episode started. Then I jotted some notes, caught up on e-mail, and went to bed.

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