Monday, June 27, 2022

A busy Sunday


When I got up, my back still hurt but not as much as I expected. I got dressed and took a walk around the block. I watered the plants and flowers and then went to the colonel's house. I fed the cats and gave them fresh water. I scooped their litter and gave them cuddles. Then I went to the garden where I watered everything. I scattered cat litter over the gopher-infested area between my garden and the next one.

Since I wasn't able to clean on Saturday, I had to do it today. I went to the company house, and threw the sheets and towels in the washer. I did a quick wipe in the kitchens and bathrooms. I snagged the extra set of sheets, and went to the company apartment. On the way, I passed the chapel and saw two men standing outside. I noted that it was 11. I stopped to greet them and let them know that church is at 1pm for now.

At the apartment, I stripped the bed and and re-made it with the clean sheets. I did a quick wipe and took the trash out. I grabbed the sheets and towels and took them home to wash. While the washer ran, I made and ate breakfast, took a shower and got dressed for church.

I put the sheets in the dryer, and headed to the company house. But people were waiting at the chapel, so I unlocked it for the man and Jenni (who brought fruit for snacks). At the company house, I threw the sheets in the dryer, then went back to the chapel. Jenni made a sign for the window letting future people know about the new temporary time.

The pastor was not there by 1, so I played three hymns on trombone, as suggested by the congregation. During the first song, the pastor walked in. After the singing, he gave his sermon. I played two more hymns, then we all stood around talking and snacking.

Michelle had invited people to come and stay for a choir practice. I ducked out to go to the company house. I took the sheets out of the dryer and dressed one bed. The towels were still wet so I ran the dryer again. I went back for the choir practice. People were singing Amazing Grace while looking at their phones. I pulled out a hymnal.

People left, one by one. Some of us stayed for another hour of chatting. I went back to the company house, where I drymopped the floor. Michelle came and helped me dress the last bed. We talked while the towels dried, then I hung them in the bathrooms.

She went to the gym while I went home to get the other towels and take them to the apartment. I changed to sauna clothes and went to the gym. Michelle and I sat in the sauna and talked. When it got too hot, we opened the door. Then we talked in the changing room until 8. We checked out who else was there (ladies from the clinic). I said goodbye to Michelle and went home.

I had a bite to eat. I jotted notes for my blog, and posted for yesterday. I made tea and blueberries. It was after 9 when we sat down to watch TV. Sitting was much easier than last night.. After a few episodes of Cheers, I retired to my computer, then later went to bed.


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